to make a lasting impression


to enrich your company culture
& elevate your brand

lasting impression

The Lyriculture Experience isn’t limited to a song-building session. We will customize the right experience to meet your vision.

When you opt for a commercial recording, we’ll create a studio recording with professional musicians (and additional vocalists if your team wants a little support there) and your song can go on to inspire ALL your people!

Use your song in ads, online content, company events, etc. We can’t wait to see all the ways you will use your song!


Lyriculture is a team-bonding musical experience that uses the science and magic of music and play for effective and joyful team engagement. Through expertly led activities, participants contribute to building a meaningful song or anthem that affirms and celebrates their group’s vision and values. Our team of professional musicians, then transform the participants’ feedback into an anthem created for your people inspired by your people that they can sing along with long after the workshop is over, keeping the spark alive in that unique way only music does.

The best brands know that storytelling is at the heart of what aligns them with their employees, clients and fans. Creating a great story can be challenging, but creating a great story supported by a proprietary song or jingle can be the difference between good and great.

Let us help you create a signature song that unifies your culture and sticks with people like only music can. Make a difference and have fun doing it!

custom songs
custom songs


Lyriculture is a team-bonding musical experience that uses the science and magic of music and play for effective and joyful team engagement. Through expertly led activities, participants contribute to building a meaningful song or anthem that affirms and celebrates their group’s vision and values. Our team of professional musicians, then transform the participants’ feedback into an anthem created for your people inspired by your people that they can sing along with long after the workshop is over, keeping the spark alive in that unique way only music does.

The best brands know that storytelling is at the heart of what aligns them with their employees, clients and fans. Creating a great story can be challenging, but creating a great story supported by a proprietary song or jingle can be the difference between good and great.

Let us help you create a signature song that unifies your culture and sticks with people like only music can. Make a difference and have fun doing it!



Whether in-person or remotely, we are here to assist you in building a song that sings from and to the hearts of your people.

We explore music history, neuroscience, and listen to familiar tunes, while having fun exploring the magic of music and why certain songs impact us so powerfully. Then, we’ll dive into fun group-sharing exercises! Through these games, everyone gets to bond over shared musical interests and experiences. After the two hours of play and exploration, our team will assemble the participants’ rich, overlapping offerings to build a unique song that embodies the spirit of your group. We’ll send you a demo for feedback and we can even take the song to the studio to record an original professional recording for you to use t meetings, in marketing and more.

From big corporations looking for new ways to connect with existing fans to start-ups looking to make a powerful splash, we’re here to help you create your brand-anthem.

The ideal Lyriculture Experience ™ is based on your goals, your branding and your team. We can customize your song-building experience based on your objectives, group size, time constraints and budget.

Don’t worry, our team does the musical heavy lifting! All you have to do is show up and play!


Virtual & On-Site Options Available


OBJECTIVES: Commercial recording by our musicians & producers.

HOW IT WORKS: We work with your leadership team & tune into the spirit of your organization to create a custom commercial recording for you to use in ads, company events, conferences, and more.

Your song can go on to inspire ALL your people!


Group Size: 50-150_____Duration: 1.5-2 hours_____Number of Facilitators: 2

OBJECTIVES: Collaborative discovery & play. Our team incorporates your group’s creative exploration into an original song that represents the shared values & experiences explored in our session.

HOW IT WORKS: We guide your team through a rousing session of music memories, fun facts, neuroscience, storytelling, and games. Then we explore your group’s mission and vibe through interactive play. Our in-house artist transforms the information from the session into a unique, engaging song revealed at the end of the workshop.

ADD-ON OPTION: Hooked on a Feeling


Group Size: 1-20_____Duration: 3 hours_____Number of Facilitators: 2

OBJECTIVES: Collaboration, creative discovery & play. Together, our musical team works with your group to create a song that captures the spirit of your organization.

HOW IT WORKS: The Your Song Session contains the same good vibes as our Come Together Session, but with a more intimate and deeper exploration of the songwriting process. In this session, your team works directly with our musicians to compose your jingle or brand anthem.

Who knew you all were so talented? (We did!)

ADD-ON OPTION: Hooked on a Feeling


Whether it’s an ad-ready song created with your top leaders (we’ve seen it happen!), a brand-anthem writing session with your marketing department or song-building sessions for employees from a variety of departments, we’ve got you covered. We can facilitate remote and in-person team building songwriting sessions, produce a traditional custom ad-ready song, collaborate your brand and/or new product song, an annual kickoff meeting theme song, a user conference welcome song, conference sponsor & partner thank you song, and much more!

A catchy, fun song written by your people for your people!

We understand how important it is to stand out, share your story, and inspire brand loyalty within and outside of your organization.

team-building experience
team-building experience


Whether it’s an ad-ready song created with your top leaders (we’ve seen it happen!), a brand-anthem writing session with your marketing department or song-building sessions for employees from a variety of departments, we’ve got you covered. We can facilitate remote and in-person team building songwriting sessions, produce a traditional custom ad-ready song, collaborate your brand and/or new product song, an annual kickoff meeting theme song, a user conference welcome song, conference sponsor & partner thank you song, and much more!

A catchy, fun song written by your people for your people!

We understand how important it is to stand out, share your story, and inspire brand loyalty within and outside of your organization.

“I am the event planner for Cirrus Logic and we have an event called School of Cirrus Rocks, where we bring in musicians to help with our new hire on-boarding process. Wendy Colonna is an amazing musician with a huge creative spirit. We couldn’t possibly do this event without her. She is patient, energetic, EXTREMELY talented and just a joy to be around!

She makes you want to smile just being around her. I look forward to this event because I know she is going to arrive with “can do” attitude and a contagious happy vibe, which is exactly what we need. She immediately makes our employees feel comfortable with the project ahead. Not to mention her incredible talent as a singer, songwriter and musician! We have hired her many times for our Cirrus Logic “Engineered to Rock” monthly concerts. She is truly a gifted individual and we enjoy each event that we get to collaborate with her on. Thanks Wendy”

- Michelle Johnson, Cirrus Logic

“It’s a rare find when you encounter someone who is highly creative AND is a great communicator, professional and enthusiastic about the work she does. And Wendy is all of those. She is able to take a creative brief and develop several ideas that hit on different aspects of the brief, giving the client a variety of choices. Using words to describe music is not easy; and somehow Wendy gets what you’re trying to convey and creates that with music.

My experience has been that she always over-delivers professionally (with regards to timelines, organizing documents and files, etc.), creatively (with fresh ideas) and with quality (highest quality recording standards). While she always has new ideas, she’s a veteran in composing, writing and recording music within a business context. Also, she’s just super fun.”

- Sam Parvin, | 2018 Cannes Lion Award Winner

“Wendy Colonna is one of the most professional Austin musicians I’ve worked with, the clients we have recommended her to are more than satisfied and attendees at these events have had a very positive Austin music experience.”

- Omar Lozano, Visit Austin

“We gave Wendy simple instructions – inspire, motivate and encourage the women on stage and all those people in our audience and on Livestream. Frequent comments in the chat / Live stream as well as in the room live were – who is that singing and how do I get that song?!

When you hire people to do live original work, professionalism from the team is so important. Wendy and her team came to dress rehearsal to ensure all the technical aspects of the musical performances were secured. Then each person really brought excitement and impact. You could hear a pin drop – until the applause thundered each singer off stage!”

- Myrna King, Co-producer TEDx Barton Springs Women | Austin, TX

“Our professional organization hired Wendy to write an anthem to open our national conference. Our aim was to thank our sponsors and kick off the event with some positive and unexpected energy. It was a joy to collaborate with Wendy—she quickly got the gist of our community and helped us express our aspirations in music. And when she came on stage to sing the song, the audience fell under her spell—they had never heard our inside-industry jargon sung to a catchy tune and accompanied by a ukulele! The song galvanized the crowd and set the creative, collaborative tone of the whole event. Thank you Wendy!”

- Leslie Wolke, Co-Chair SEGD Conference